The Faith of Intuitive Eating
…‘truths’ will show up to derail you along the way so you’ll want to have faith in yourself and where you are headed in order to be in their presence

What’s Awareness Got to Do With It?
Intuitive Eating can be an elusive process but once the small steps toward your desired goals begin to add up you can feel the personal power being an Intuitive Eater offers.

Magical Thinking and Intuitive Eating
Either way, what matters is what we think, and if you think a flatter stomach or better arms will bring you inner peace you’re engaged in magical thinking, you’re trying to fix the wrong thing.

Getting over Overeating
When we overeat in response to a situation or emotion we are putting distance between our consciousness and the trigger. When we beat ourselves up for overeating we create more distance.

Are you a dieter without realizing it?
You don’t need someone to tell you when, what, or how much to eat, any more than you need someone to tell you that you need to go to the bathroom.

Distracted Eating: Are You Listening?
Distracted eating can be a clue to what leads you to overeat: emotions you don’t want to feel, and you can be sure they’re not the good ones like joy or love or connection—they tend to be the challenging ones.

Stress Eating During Covid-19: Interrupt the Pattern
if you notice you’re feeling bad physically or emotionally after you eat that little bit of information might be enough to help you make a different choice the next time …

A Survival Guide to Quarantine for Beginner Intuitive Eaters
This is your life and it matters. Everything may feel out of control but you still have choices, and this is an opportunity to practice making them.

Self-worth — weapon of choice
The most dangerous thing a woman can possess is self-worth. Liking her own body, trusting her own instincts, valuing her own time and company, thinking she’s interesting and special, entering business and personal relationships based only on mutual benefit and respect.

From French Toast to Intuitive Eating
There was a hotel in Las Vegas back in the day, the Thunderbird, where the French toast was thick and dusted with powdered sugar. No menu necessary for me, when we piled into a cab and made the drive down The Strip to the Thunderbird for breakfast I knew what I would order.

Intuitive Eating: How you think can change the way you eat
Which sounds harder: changing your thoughts or changing the way you eat? Diets ask you to change the way you eat. Intuitive Eating asks you to look at your thoughts and change the ones that aren't working for you.

Why consider Intuitive Eating?
Before I tell you what Intuitive Eating is let me tell you what it's not: it's not a diet or exercise program, it's not a prescribed way of eating, and it's not for you if you want to lose a quick 10 pounds.

Self Sabotage or: Sleeping Through the Recycling Truck
Every Tuesday around 5am the recycling truck comes by. The guys on the truck throw dozens of giant bags containing hundreds of bottles, jars, cans and containers, as loudly as they possibly can, into the back of the truck—I guess they figure if they have to be up we should be too.

How to Build Willpower (spoiler, it’s not discipline)
If you had more willpower would you have the good habits you need to create the life, or body, or community, or career, or intellect you dream about? If you had more willpower what would you do?

Gratitude ≠ Fulfillment
“I was coming to terms with the idea that there’s a difference between gratitude and fulfillment ... I felt grateful for the work I was getting, but I wasn’t fulfilled.”