Magical Thinking and Intuitive Eating
Either way, what matters is what we think, and if you think a flatter stomach or better arms will bring you inner peace you’re engaged in magical thinking, you’re trying to fix the wrong thing.
Getting over Overeating
When we overeat in response to a situation or emotion we are putting distance between our consciousness and the trigger. When we beat ourselves up for overeating we create more distance.
Distracted Eating: Are You Listening?
Distracted eating can be a clue to what leads you to overeat: emotions you don’t want to feel, and you can be sure they’re not the good ones like joy or love or connection—they tend to be the challenging ones.
Stress Eating During Covid-19: Interrupt the Pattern
if you notice you’re feeling bad physically or emotionally after you eat that little bit of information might be enough to help you make a different choice the next time …
Why consider Intuitive Eating?
Before I tell you what Intuitive Eating is let me tell you what it's not: it's not a diet or exercise program, it's not a prescribed way of eating, and it's not for you if you want to lose a quick 10 pounds.